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Italo Fontana - the founder of the company U-Boat

Italo FontanaItalo Fontana gained an unreal success, realizing ideas of his grandfather Ivo Fontana. That is why the company U-Boat can be considered as a family business.
Italo Fontana was born in 1965. The place of his birth is old Italian town Lucca, which is situated in picturesque region Toscana. The family business of Fontana that years was design of cloths. Since young years Italo was involved and liked it. Especially young designer was interested in design of furniture and accessories.
Once, Italo started to learn documents from his grandfather archive. Among it there were documents of 1942 with developing of wristwatches for Italian Navy. After that he couldn't think about anything but that.
Few years past and Italo developed design of watch. That time the fate brings him to Munir Muffarige, who enlightened with the idea of creation a new wristwatch. The motto of the future company is a phrase «A New Dimention In Time».
As known, Italo Fontana is a fan of activities. He adores a sea and everything which relate to it. Yachts are one of his main interests. May be that is why Italo called his watches like names of submarines, produced during Second World War. Also he is interested in racing. It should be noted that among fans of brand U-Boat there are a lot of well-known racers. Italo himself won't refuse to race a bolide. Knowing this passion of designer, the director of center “Crocus-Expo” suggested him to participate in racers of old-timers, when he came to Moscow on presentation of U-Boat novelties. Italo got an opportunity to race Chevrolet Corvette, which was made in 1963.
Though the main designer's passion are Wristwatch U-Boat since 2000. Most of the time he dedicates to development of new models, thinking over every detail. Fontana successful not just in career: there is loving family wait for him at home-wife Laura and daughter Albaclara. Perhaps the dizzying success of the Italian brand U-Boat is largely explained by the very fact that the creator has always treated his watch not only as the result of hard work, but as a family legacy of Fontana.  

U-Boat at BaselWorld 2012 (part 1) Basel , March 2012
U-Boat at BaselWorld 2012 (part 1) Basel , March 2012

Views: 3299
U-Boat at BaselWorld 2012 (part 2) Basel , March 2012
U-Boat at BaselWorld 2012 (part 2) Basel , March 2012

Views: 3100

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