Modern watches have been the subject of self-expression, revealing the surrounding originality of their owner. If you realize that your status and perception of the world need to wear on his arm, stylish and exclusive watches, but do not want to give thousands of dollars for the advertised brand, then watches Jacques Lemans - what you need. A balanced combination of image, high quality and reasonable policy tsenoobrazovatelnoy Brand Jacques Lemans, founded more than a quarter of a century ago, can compete with the watch company, whose age has passed for a hundred years. Prektirovschiki international level, extensive collections that were released to the market at the most opportune time, as well as long-standing tradition of cooperation at the international level - all these components of the Swiss watch company Jacques Lemans owes its great success. Jacques Lemans company obtained the exclusive license to produce chronographs "c". It was the first time that the watch company received exclusive permission to use the brand of racing Formula 1. The head of F1 Bernie Eklstoun (Bernie Ecclestone) has signed a license agreement January 20, 2006 and did not regret it so far! Jacques Lemans watch brand well sold all over the world, covering every year new towns and shopping centers.
Austrian head office and manufacturing plant are located in the Jacques Lemans town St. Viet, which produces a collection Harmony of time and world renowned collection of Formula 1 chronograph, which in the Jacques Lemans was decided to restyle range of Formula 1, reminding fans of mark on at least a prestigious fellowship.