Watches with famous faces
"Do not make an idol," - says the second commandment of God which forbids idolatry, that not allow "artificially" create himself to a blind worship any idols and heroes. In the modern Russian language, the word "idol" is used quite often, but we do not even think about it "pagan" meaning as a "god statues for worship." But do not panic and begin to atone for sins, as the deeper meaning of this commandment lies in a somewhat different. In his words the Lord has put the call to always have a bright and independent mind, a free conscience and bright personality.

Kummir — Ecumenical kinsman
Every person is a separate individual, having the capacity for self-development, to achieve good results both in career and in personal life and destiny of God is such that each of us tried to understand himself and his destiny. People who have achieved some success, or have reached unprecedented heights in any field of activity, certainly raise some feelings of others. Such people are admired, listened to, based on their experience and, of course, a lot of are jealous. The dizzying success of other people gives us every right to believe that in life everything is possible, just do not stagnate in one place waiting for a miracle. Sometimes to move forward, and the desire to achieve high goals man needs some impetus, incentive or motive. Famous people who have already succeeded in various spheres of life and activity, may serve as such a "push." Ask yourself - "but what have I done?" - And act! It may seem surprising, but the watch industry helps us in this. Do not believe me? And what then does watch, if not measure time given to us to cast ourselves and to open the inside of what we do not even suspect?

Idols of football fans
In this article, I suggest you consider the unique pieces of watchmaking, which I would call the "watch-stimulus", a watch that motivate us to action, to the development of personal qualities and becoming a bright personality. This is a watch with pictures of world famous figures who have made invaluable contributions to the development of human life, culture, art, etc. Personally, I see these "star" watches deep meaning inherited by manufacturer: everyone can be "power of this world ", it is only need to develop the necessary qualities and be in the right place at the right time.

Faces of famous people
In addition, such a model with images of famous people are born as a token of gratitude and respect to famous people, in any way influenced the course of events of public life or the life of the individual. Buying these watches, we say "thank you" to our idols for their talent and ability to bring joy and hope for the best. By the way, I counted quite a few of these "grateful" watch manufacturers that delight us with their "names" models. Thus an idol or a person worthy of respect will always be close at hand. It is easy to guess that the watches with images of celebrities are the most popular among the younger generation of buyers. However, some of the older generation does not give up so original and useful accessories: everything depends on the status of the watch, its quality and functionality. If you walk down a busy street and watch the 'scurrying' round-the inhabitants of the court, you can see dozens and hundreds of flashing t-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, hats, bags and so on, which is decorated with images of famous people from areas such as art, show business and even politics. The question is what a wristwatch is worse?
The time perpetuated arts
Musicians, composers, actors and singers. Many of them will forever remain in our hearts as the great personalities of their time. The rest continues to "work miracles" to this day. The importance of art in one's life could not miss the watchmakers who never tire of creating watches with images of famous people in high positions in the art world.
Saying about the amazing wristwatch with bizarre images of famous personalities, I can start with the magnificent, sometimes frightening, sometimes haunting works of well-known Swiss watch company ArtyA, which is headed by the incomparable and a little "crazy" (in the best sense of the word), Ivan Arpa. Watch ArtyA, who have already conquered most of the young fans of unusual and original and surprise the older generation of watchmaking connoisseurs, cannot be overlooked, because each model emits a powerful energy and is having a tremendous impact on the viewer. As, however, their creator!

Gene Simmons, Ivan Arpa and Paul Stanley with ArtyA watches
At the crossroads, where the sacred watch traditions merge with bold workings of contemporary art, where the genetically inherent talent of the master resonates with incredible creative streak and elegant fantasy, there are remarkable objects of chorology – wrist watch ArtyA. Each model of the brand - is the only, the inimitable instance, to break out of the depths of consciousness Ivan Arpa. Mr. Arpa, known as bold experimenter with such seemingly unsuitable for watchmaking materials like dinosaur feces, dried butterfly wings, lunar dust, human blood and silver bullets, has created his incredible watch ArtyA Coup de Foudre Michael Jackson in memory of the legend pop music singer and composer Michael Jackson, who died in the summer of 2009. The death of an idol shocked to the entire population of the planet, and Ivan Arpa experienced this tragedy in his own way, developing new wristwatches. I tried in vain to find any decorative elements inherent in the style of the Arpa, but did not find any bullets from vampires, no, sorry, excrement, or dust from the "Titanic" and not a drop of blood. However, I think it would be odd! "Serious" watch in honor of the King of Pop has a bright red dial, showing the face of Michael Jackson in the style of Ivan Arpa. Image for some reason, understandable only to the creator, is upside of 90 °. In the steel case with water resistance up to 50 meters is enclosed reliable automatic movement, and time is measured out by two original "curved" hands. By creating his masterpiece, Ivan Arpa said the memory of the singer will remain forever in the hearts of millions of fans, and his image - on the wrist.

ArtyA Coup de Foudre Michael Jackson watch
"Musically-watch" work of Ivan Arpa is not limited by this watch. And at the end of 2011 a "mad genius" was presented to all the fans of heavy music his watch ArtyA Kiss, dedicated to the well-known members of the American rock band Kiss, which immediately won the hearts of thousands of "army" of rockers. Ivan Arpa knows which side is better to go to attract the attention of the audience! So it was with this collection: the master somehow know that the band's bassist Gene Simmons consider himself a fan of ArtyA. Without thinking, the irrepressible Mr. Arp rushed tinkering a new collection, which consists of three creative models (of course, each in single piece). Large steel case in diameter of 47 mm was subjected to "attack" the current discharge, which gave it an unforgettable and attractive ugliness (forgive the pun). The straps of models are made of toad leather and a crocodile. Inside the watch is enclosed a simple but reliable Swiss movement with automatic winding and a 42-hour power reserve. Wristwatch in honor of a vocalist and bassist Gene Simmons - ArtyA KISS Gene Simmons – is made in light colors, and on the dial is shown a face of the musician in his demonic image. Men's watch ArtyA KISS Paul Stanley – is a tribute to Paul Stanley, founder of the group. On the dial of this model is placed an image of musician in his terrifying stage image. In creation of the model ArtyA KISS Pick the master used guitar strings and mediator of Paul Stanley, which can be seen through the transparent dial. By the way, the strings themselves and the mediator are authentic, and that's where Arpa got them from - is another question! Such as: "Where did Arpa get dinosaur feces." Watchmaker swears that all of his materials - is authentic samples. Well, bravo to Ivan Arpa, fantasy of which we can only envy, he really knows how to surprise!
ArtyA KISS Gene Simmons watch in honor of legendary rock band Kiss
ArtyA KISS Paul Stanley watch in honor of legendary rock band Kiss
ArtyA KISS Pick watch in honor of legendary rock band Kiss
Music theme in the watch industry was supported by many designers and watchmakers of the world. While the world mourned the loss of American legend Michael Jackson, Chinese manufacturers pored over creating a watch in his honor. The result was wristwatch Michael Jackson Rainbow Memorial Wrist Watch in style fashion, on the dials of which is shown Michael Jackson in different periods of his life and career.

Micheal Jackson Rainbow Memorial Wrist Watch
"Do not worry, but worry," - the incomparable Marilyn Monroe advised for all women of the world. This enigmatic beauty thrilled the hearts of millions of men around the world, and still her memory alive in the minds of her fans. All the artists of the time wanted to write portraits of actress and singer, and today, perhaps the most famous image of Marilyn Monroe is the painting of pop art genius Andy Warhol titled "Marilyn Diptych," written after the death of Hollywood actress and became a kind of allegory of her life.

Canvas of genius pop art master Andy Warhol titled "Marilyn Diptych"
So, wrist watch Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe ANDY032 were created by the Japanese company Seiko Instruments after a Hollywood star "based on" an American artist. The model is made in white, and on the dial you can see the outlines of Monroe and Andy Warhol's autograph. In a stainless steel case is placed a Japanese quartz mechanism and a watch bezel is decorated with sparkling crystals Swarovski. They are certainly not a "best friends of girls", but these shiny pebbles look wonderfully.

Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe ANDY032 watch
The collection of fashion-watches Andy Warhol, in addition to the above model with the image of the brilliant Monroe, you can find a few watches that send us to the works of the famous artist. Color range and true Warhol design of these models will not leave you indifferent. Fans of watch pop art will find a wristwatch with a striking image of Mao Zedong on the dial, copied from Warhol silkscreen paintings, and a watch model with the actual portrait of the genius in black and white, and much more. For those who care about the motives of pop art, offered by the great and mighty Andy Warhol, will like these watches with faces of famous people.

Andy Warhol watches with images of Marilyn Monroe, Mao Zedong and Andy Warhol
And one more gift for people who know good music, proposed by the modern watch industry – is a wrist watch The Beatles of category fashion. The dial of this model is made in shades of brown and it gives us an amazing scene: the legendary Beatles cross the famous street Abbey Road. Does it sound familiar? Fans of Beatles, no doubt, with one voice exclaim: "So it's the cover of twelfth album of the rock band, which is called - Abbey Road!»

The Beatles Abbey Road watch

The Beatles Abbey Road watch
As it turned out, the theme associated with the legend of rock 'n' roll - The Beatles, is very popular in the watch industry. Many designers, famous and not, released to the audience their "Beatles" watches. In the vast expanse of the Internet you can find at least one more very original quartz wristwatch The Beatles by the Nanci, on the dial of which is shown the band’s members in black and white, and three bright red hands show time.

The Beatles watch by Nanci
The legendary and incomparable John Lennon, founder and member of the band, was not out of attention and his image is placed on the dial of wristwatch by the designer JOY. Colorful stripes add brightness and vivacity in the model that seemed shaky hand held over the black and white image of musician.

JOY watch with image of John Lennon
In addition, the Studio of Copyright watches DIA has released a series of watches dedicated to The Beatles. The dials of models are adorned with photographs of the band in different images and with covers of their album. In general, a real fan of the Beatles will find in this collection an excellent designer watch!

The Beatles watch
This topic regarding the musical direction in the watch area, we can go on forever, but I suggest to stop, reflect and pay attention to the philosophical significance of watches with pictures of famous people in the world.
Philosophical watches
As it’s known, the time is a loose concept, so wristwatch can be viewed from several positions. The American company The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, which included several talented and creative watchmakers and engineers, highly original came not only to its name, but also to creation of their genius works. Guild’s members offer us to consider wristwatches as the main attributes of time and indispensable philosophical element. According to the creators, their main objective - is the ability to self-manage the time. Therefore, in watches by the company The Unemployed Philosophers Guild you will not find the usual hands or time indices, in general, anything that even slightly resembled watch elements. The dials of many models are decorated with images of famous figures of the world, and every watch is dedicated to a special philosophical question.

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild watches
For example, have you ever thought about this question: the person controls the time, or the time - a man? Wristwatches The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Chaplin seem to be saying that all people – are cogs in a giant machine, and each of us is a "master" of our time. On the watch dial is placed a figure of the movie legend Charlie Chaplin, who "lay down" on the big gear with a wrench in his hand. With the passage of time, a miniature Charlie Chaplin revolves around the dial.

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Chaplin watch
Do not even know what kind of thoughts were "wandering" in the minds of the participants of The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, when they created a unique watch in honor of the brilliant Spanish painter Salvador Dali. The highlight of the model as it may seem, have become a surrealist’s mustache, which use as watch hands. Marching around the dial ant counts second by second. In general, the human imagination knows no bounds!

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Dali watch
On the dial of a model Leonardo is placed an image of genius of the Renaissance - Leonardo da Vinci, who scientists call today the perfect example of the "universal man." Do you think that the miniature portraits of art - it is the only original part of the dial? Of course not: the watch Leonardo tells the time in the opposite direction. The numbers, hands - all upside down, "encrypted". But if you look in the mirror, you see yourself with a completely "normal" watch on the wrist. This is yet another confirmation that all genius is simple!

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Leonardo watch
"Oh time, there is need your hand. I do not unravel this tangle "- wrote the great William Shakespeare, meaning that it is now a cure for mental anguish, as soon as it heals all wounds. These legendary words of English classics revolve in a circle on the dial of a deep philosophical watch Shakespeare. On central "position" on the dial, as you may have guessed, is placed the image of William Shakespeare, as he appears on the only reliable engraving, written by some Dutch artist.

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Shakespeare watch
Wristwatch Freudian Thoughts by the U.S. "unemployed" artisans is made in rather humorous style, rather than philosophical. The creators of the model have wondered, "What does the great Sigmund Freud think of?" Then they created a watch that shows the Austrian psychologist, and over his head placed comical "cloud" with the thoughts that come and go over time.

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Freudian Thoughts watch
American "philosophers" of the Guild simply could not ignore the famous Cuban leader and independence fighter Ernesto "Che" Guevara. We all know him as a brave and fearless man, but the members of the Guild showed another trait of "Che" - punctuality, creating a wristwatch Che. The watch dial is decorated with the famous two-tone portrait of Che Guevara created by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick, and revolves around the image of the word Revolution with a red star.

The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Che watch
As we can see, watchmakers from the Guild of unemployed philosophers have a great sense of humor! These watches are both bright, original accessories and unique philosophical creations. A model, created in honor of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, is already about politics. Although why not use images of bright politicians in watches.
Politicians on the watches
A fearless fighter for independence, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, has frequently been, shall we say, the "face" of watches. The image of the Latin American revolutionary is known and close to many people today, and his name has become synonymous noun denoting a free spirit, courage, bravery and independence. Many companies have been produced and continue to produce wristwatches with images of "Che", and on the dials you can often find a miniature version of the famous black and red picture of Jim Fitzpatrick on which the Cuban leader thoughtfully and resolutely looks into the distance, a bright future. For example, the aforementioned producer Nanci, who has immortalized The Beatles at its watches, offers young people a stylish and modern wrist watch with rubber strap with a dial on which a fearless "Che" Guevara looks at customers.

Nanci watch with image of "Che" Guevara
A Russian watch company "Vostok", also known as Chistopolsky Watch Factory (Chistopol, Tatarstan), did not also pass over the Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Despite the fact that in 2010 the factory was declared bankrupt, some subsidiaries of "Vostok" continue the production of watches. The famous and desirable (especially in the Soviet Union) commanding wristwatch, that has been glorified by the Chistopolsky factory, is different in the modern version from the old Soviet models. For example, a men’s model Vostok Che is made of steel, but inside of waterproof case is enclosed a mechanism with a 36-hour power reserve. On a bright dial, made in blue, white and red colors, is placed the plotting of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and the word "Revolution".

Vostok Che watch
Another famous political figure has become the "great and terrible" Libyan government and military leader Muammar Gaddafi, who was killed in 2011. Let Gaddafi is gone, but the controversy about his life and death are not subside for a long, long time. However, I propose to set aside politics and look directly at the watch, on the dial of which are portraits of the Libyan leader. Did you know that a good half of the money received from the sale of Libyan oil to European countries (and this is no less than about 80% of oil), Gaddafi blew on luxury items for himself and his family, including his watches, and that left - for weapons and terrorist financing? Early in his career, Gaddafi very much loved watches Rolex, and this made him similar with Fidel Castro.

Muammar Gaddafi with Rolex watch
And in honor of his 40-year tenure as a head, Jamahiriya Gaddafi ordered the watch brand Chopard much as 250 models of watches. Of course, not free: then the company has been enriched by $ 7.5 million. As it turned out, such a feature, as avarice, was not peculiar to the Libyan leader - being in a good mood, he gave his precious watches the first man who came to hand. And, as a rule, they were his entourage and the hospital staff. Thus, the nurse has received from Gaddafi gold watch with his portrait, and then, perhaps, immediately sold the gift, wrote a letter of resignation from work and went to rest "in the south." September 1 - the day of the entry of Gaddafi in the post - was a holiday not only for him but also for his subordinates, who regularly received from the dictator a watch with his images. Of course, Natalia Vitrenko - the leader of the Ukrainian opposition - spoke in support of the Libyan people was not passes over. Now on her wrist is glittering a luxury wrist watch with a portrait of Gaddafi.

Natalia Vitrenko with watch with image of Gaddafi
Collection of Libyan leader is just filled with watches with his portraits, including a model of Rotary, on the dial of which is the young Gaddafi’s salutes. Some of the models with Gaddafi, issued by different companies a few years ago, fans of exclusive can buy to this day.

Rotary watch on dial which a young Gaddafi salutes
One example is as a wrist watch Zodiac, on the dial of which is depicted the face of the Libyan leader in the profile. As for me, this model with its elongated Roman numerals and rectangular dial "tank”, is very much reminiscent of Cartier. However, we will not discuss copyright issues!

Zodiac watch on the dial of which is depicted the face of the Libyan leader in the profile
The watch company Movado even had a special series in honor of the Libyan leader. In its watches the brand has decided not to pay attention to the decor of the dial, just putting an image of Gaddafi on a black background and large iridescent stone at "12 o'clock" position. Like, next to the Great Dictator everything else loses its value! I think Gaddafi 's vanity was flattered.

Movado watch on the dial of which is depicted the face of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi
In addition to these masterpieces with portraits of political leader of Libya, in today's market you can find a huge number of different variants by the famous and not so watch brands, on which Gaddafi is in sunglasses on background outlines of the African continent, as well as Gaddafi is on background of flying white doves, etc.

watch with image of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi
Analyzing variations of watch models with images of political figures, I stumbled upon a seemingly trifle - a cheap watch made in China, but with such a bold and shocking design that I just could not mention it in this article. I bet at any viewer this watch first causes a stupor, and then a broad smile. On the traditional round dial is bright red portrays a Chinese politician - Mao Zedong, who constantly waves his hand and the tip of second hand is decorated with a red star. Mechanical watch Waving Chairman Mao Memorial Watch has become a real "best seller" in the Internet network, as well as the subject of heated discussion, debate and even ridicule. I wonder how would react great theoretician of Maoism to the emergence of so audacious gadget?

Waving Chairman Mao Memorial Watch with image of Mao Zedong
Sport and time — are inseparable concepts
Watch companies, of course, could not ignore the world of professional sports. Modern watchmakers are cooperating with well-known athletes and sports clubs. Such cooperation has become an important component of the marketing campaigns of manufacturers who are trying hard to please their customers as well as important figures of the world of sports. And do not forget to advertise themselves!
Diego Maradona with Hublot Big Bang Maradona watch
Today, perhaps, the most "sports" watch company is a Swiss brand Hublot, bold, "fresh" and unusual patterns which have long occupied an important place in the hearts of the younger generation watch lovers. Watchmakers of Hublot paid a special attention to the one of the "most men's sports" - football. "Under the distribution” was a famous football player and brilliant coach – an Argentine Diego Maradona, called "the best player of the XX century" who has left a deep mark in the history of world football. Energetic and devoted Maradona was the "main character" of a wrist watch Hublot, dedicated to football topics. In 2010, the watch brand Hublot presented to the audience a wristwatch Hublot Big Bang Maradona, dedicated to the legendary football player and the ambassador of the Hublot Diego Maradona. The model is made of high-tech ceramics of deep black in the corporate style of the company (Big Bang case with six H-shaped screws on the bezel), and on the dial flashed bright white, and blue elements that mimic the colors of the national flag of Argentina, and autograph of this famous football player. However, the main "highlight" of watch, released in 250 pieces, has become a jubilant image of Maradona in blue, engraved on the back of the model. Player himself admitted that he was delighted with such a valuable gift!

Hublot Big Bang Maradona watch caseback
And after some time, the watch company Hublot, mindful of the fact that football legend prefers to wear just two watches on two wrists, has released a new model in honor of Diego Maradona - Hublot Big Bang Maradona 2 Limited Edition. At this time the watch proved to be more serious and noble – made of precious rose gold. The dial is characterized by the same colors of the Argentine flag. A figure of Maradona, engraved on the caseback of the watch, inspires athletes to new feats, records and achievements. To get such a watch, you need to try because 100 pieces is unlikely to meet the needs of everyone seeking to get these Maradona’s watches. However, after knowing the price of these masterpieces, half wanting to be forced to stop wish for!

Hublot Big Bang Maradona watch

Hublot Big Bang Maradona 2 Limited Edition watch
If you ask the male population "Who is Cristiano Ronaldo?", the answer would be something like this: "This is one of the best players in the world and the most expensive player in football history." Female population will answer differently on the same question: "Cristiano Ronaldo - is one of the most attractive and charming men of our time." And, of course, they all are right! World marks and brands, working in various fields, tend to grab at least a piece of attention of this Portuguese footballer in the labor schedule who does not have a single minute to spare. Swiss watchmaker Frank Muller went the other way – it has released a stunning watch in honor of the legendary athlete. Of course, all fans of watch making and football immediately turned their attention to such original novelty. Yes, and it is worth to look at!

Cristiano Ronaldo and Frank Muller
Frank Muller watch brand prepared for its fans as much as seven stunning models of chronometer. Moreover, the number "7" was not chosen by chance: it's lucky number of forward "Real Madrid", Cristiano Ronaldo, which is on his T-shirt. In addition, the watchmakers focused their large number "7" on the watch dial, decorating it with sparkling diamonds. The caseback of watches - is another topic for discussion. The silhouette of the Portuguese football player and his autograph are engraved on the watch case back.

«Cristiano Ronaldo» Perpetual Calendar Bi-Retro Chronograph watch by Franck Muller
By creating this ultra-accurate timepiece, the watchmakers of Frank Muller once again proved their unsurpassed talent, and the company has confirmed its proud title of "master of complicated watch movements." These watches are difficult to call just a watch: a large number of functions and complications allow include this masterpiece to the class of the amazing and sophisticated gadgets created by modern masters of watch making. As for the appearance of watches, the famous "Muller" case in the form of a barrel is made of a luxurious 18-carat rose gold, and the dial is presented in a deep black. The idea of creating the watch devoted to Cristiano Ronaldo, was born in the mind of the head of the enterprise Frank Muller - Mr. Muller, who recently admitted that he is a big fan of football and Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo. As you know, a young football player has demonstrated an excellent game and unrivaled talent in a sports environment up to this moment, and now he faces an even more glorious victories and tremendous achievements. After all, now a great time is with him!
"The victory — it is always perseverance!"
Of course, the list of watches with images of famous personalities created by world watch companies, is not limited to the above models. Watchmakers continue to create their masterpieces dedicated to the well-known figures who have left a deep mark in the history of mankind, so we can see the portraits of our heroes on watches again and again. All presented watches, certainly, deserve attention, but I will allow myself to highlight the unique model of watch, released by a Swiss watch company Fortis in 2011. This gorgeous watch is dedicated to the great Soviet cosmonaut and first man in the world, who left the planet Earth and fly into space - Yuri Gagarin.

Yuri Gagarin
April 12, 2011 the whole world marked an important holiday - the 50th anniversary of the first human space flight, and the brand Fortis in its own stated such a grand event, presenting the world a new model Fortis Yuri Gagarin Limited Edition GMT. Undoubtedly, many collectors of the world wanted to get this model, but this could be done by only 300 lucky people, as it is presented in limited edition of 300 pieces. As in the external and the internal "image" of the watch there is no excess and pompous decorative elements: a reliable Swiss automatic movement with 25 rubies and 28,800 vibrations per hour, “dressed” in a severe case made of brushed steel in diameter of 40 mm, with water resistance up to 200 meters. The company offers its anniversary model with a black leather strap or steel bracelet.

Fortis Yuri Gagarin Limited Edition GMT watch
On the black dial with luminescent hour markers and hands is the date aperture at "3 o’clock" position and the orange hand indicates the second time zone with a 24-hour scale on the outer ring of the dial. At first glance, this model is quite ordinary, even "modest" wristwatch without attracting attention. However, turning the watch and looked at the case back, you will experience for yourself the majesty and grandeur of the project of the company Fortis. Screwed steel case back is decorated with a portrait of the legendary handsome cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, engraved by hand, and the inscription «Federal Space Agency Roscosmos». I can only add: the glory of the hero and the eternal memory!
On that note, dear readers, I finish my article. And I wish you always ensure what dream of. As the great Fidel Castro said, "win - it is always perseverance!" So do not sit idly by, going to win it, and maybe one day you'll see your portrait on a wristwatch by any known brand. Until next time. And may everything in your life goes like a Swiss watch!
Written by Natali