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Wrist watch with bullets

"Continuing wild imagination intended the artist, and watchmakers have no choice but to follow"
Yvan Arpa

Firearm has a strange power of attraction. Agree, though once took a weapon, you feel strange and incomprehensible attraction of aggressive power. Weapon - is like a reflection of human vanity, constant human desire for power and control, often reflected in various forms of art.

Artya Son of a Gun watch catches the eye of people who love guns
Artya Son of a Gun watch catches the eye of people who love guns

Culture of firearms (if we can say such) exists in various fields of human activity, which at first glance does not relate with the weapon. Thus, one of the first of this kind of "influence", can be noted the appearance of military style, which appeared in the clothing and in the world of watches, meaning a product, the functionality of which is subject to one main theme, the so-called "military" practicality and functionality. However, the military has a slightly different meaning, designed to serve as a more practical and functional, consequently, any product made in military style, other than reflecting the ideas of military commitment, as well as one of the main ideas to style has staying power, practicality and functionality.

The weapon has a strange power of attraction
The weapon has a strange power of attraction

In the watch industry, love to weapon gets drop by drop. One of the first steps of this "penetration" can be considered also military style. However, the direction which we will talk about a little different from the general concept of military ...
We'll talk about the weapon, or to be more precise - about the bullets that some particularly audacious watchmakers have had the courage to engage in the design of their creations…

Bullet-shaped watch
Bullet-shaped watch

A bullet in the center of Brno

Recently, in the center of Brno, at Freedom Square has been placed a clock in the form of bullet, which caused a lot of conflicting opinions in the world media. To the so-called sculpture especially rapidly respond users of social network Facebook, created a group that is connected to more than 20,000 users, most of which find the presence of this clock in the square unacceptable.
Folk "names" of monument we will not reprint here, we will not disassemble opinions as well. We only note that we are not so radically and negatively. Some have also setup a positive finding in hours as a bullet similar to a missile or a pack of cigarettes. However, the creators of the granite clock, reminding everyone of the protesters is that the clock in the form of bullets, tell about that it is dedicated to the creation of the original actually.

A bullet in the center of Brno
A bullet in the center of Brno

At first clock in form of bullet has been built as a symbol of resistanceof the inhabitants of Brno to Swedish Army about 365 years ago.
Legend says that the Swedish general Torstensson could be killed only one way: only by a bullet, made of glass, and only at midnight.
And if the legend, the clock on the Freedom Square at midnight, "spit" glass ball. Now, it seems everyone in the city Brno at midnight can get a shot.
In this story there is one positive aspect: all the students of the city know exactly who was Torstensson…

And while it was talked about the generals, the famous words of Suvorov "bullet - a fool, a bayonet - well done" in the context of this article can be completely reinterpret the other way. Bullets going into the peaceful field can turn into a very useful, and, most importantly, with interesting design, products and gadgets, keeping their fighting form.

Gadgets and devices as bullet: USB flash drive in the form of a bullet, headphones in the form of a bullet, the watch in the form of bullet and icy bullets
Gadgets and devices as bullet: USB flash drive in the form of a bullet, headphones in the form of a bullet, the watch in the form of bullet and icy bullets

Today the type of decoration of various products in the form of bullets, as mentioned above, is used quite widely. Some designers are made headphones in the form of bullets (but it should be more careful with what cause someone can find you is shot in the ear!). Other projected military design in computer technology, introducing the USB flash drive in the form of bullets.
In the form of bullets can be visual surveillance cameras, ominously hinting criminals that they can pay for their antics, zeppelins, thermos, and the special original makes bullet of ice. Probably for the special "combat" cocktails. In addition in the form of bullet can be made a lot of jewelry, and even a pen or a bottle opener. Recently table clock as bullet has found its popularity…

Airship in the form of a bullet
Airship in the form of a bullet

Fans of weapons are similar to each other with one common passion - they all share the same attention to detail, and of course, the love of craftsmanship of these products. One of the first watchmakers, who directly combined weapons and watches invested in a small accessory, usually wrist-mounting, passion, strength and power of firearms, was the founder of the watch brand Artya. Creative talent of watchmaker Yvan Arpa - founder of the watch company Artya can be called a crossroad of developed over many centuries of its existence watchmaking traditions.

Yvan Arpa
Yvan Arpa

How often Arpa says, the mission of the company is largely lies in its understanding of the changing watches by modern art. So time itself in creations of Arpa goes by the wayside, highlighting – perception of variability and the "current" beauty. Today the company Artya essentially dictates today in the watch industry a unique and avant-garde style. Ivan Arpa does not change watches with the help of any specific technologies, in fact, he "forces" watches to change themselves, as, for example, in watches, which are formed by the Tesla transformer, generating lightning and therefore transforming the watch. However, as a result of this "change" most cases are damaged, but escaped become a unique watch, because they simply can not reproduced. Each model produced in this way is presented in a single piece.
The original watch Artya Yvan Arpa creates with his wife. First collection produced by the using of lightning, the watchmaker presented at the exhibition GTE 2011 in Geneva ...
In short, a talented watchmaker is only unusual, shocking and truly unique.

Tesla transformer - generating lightning and transforming the Artya watch cases
Tesla transformer - generating lightning and transforming the Artya watch cases

Always original watchmaker Yvan Arpa, which has long been producing luxury watches under its own brand Artya, also created the original watch Son of a Gun, made, by the way, quite a lot of noise during its first presentation at the show BaselWorld 2011. Son of a Gun is a watch with a unique design - it is probably the only watch in the design of which is used real bullets!
In fact, these watches are not dangerous, rather, recalling that in contrast to weapons, the time - much more reliable killer. Of course, to say that the watch with bullets is a new trend in the watch market is still very early. However, it is impossible to note that in constantly efforts of watchmakers to create something completely original and different, some watchmakers have already reached to bullets.
It turns out that the cartridges can be useful not only to the man on the battlefield, but also on the "battlefield" of everyday life. Yeah! Modern watchmakers come up with everything, just to enjoy the modern man! Watch with bullets Son of a Gun is made on the basis of the Swiss self-winding mechanism. On the front sides of the case are engraved sights, mostly on "block" of the movement are placed six cartridges of gas revolver Flobert.

Son of a Gun watch
Son of a Gun watch

Cartridges are located around the watch mechanism and entwined with copper wire, an imitation of dynamite. On the case back are fixed 38-millimeter cartridges, which are associated with the drum of revolver. All this fighting "magnificence" is placed under a sapphire crystal and in case made of stainless steel.
At first time watch with bullets Son of a Gun was presented in 2011 at the annual international jewelry and watch exhibition BaselWorld. In addition to its other advantages of the model Son of a Gun should also be noted water resistance of watch, reaching up to 50 meters. Strap is made of genuine leather.
And if at first glance Son of a Gun watch looks like a loaded cylinder of revolver, the inside of the original model is a real high quality Swiss movement.
It also should be noted that watch Son of a Gun is presented in a single piece. This means that the owner will be the owner of a truly original watch…


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