The company's founder, Andrea Palama Nice was born in Southern Italy in the town of Croton, and the first years of his life in Rome, where he studied at the Academy of Arts. After working as an assistant at several design studios, Palamas then decided to start his own business since 1991 and began working as a freelance designer.
In his first year he managed to create a stunning model with the case and strap of high-quality natural cork Sardinian. Thanks to this model, he decided to open his own distribution company. So there's a new watch brand Nice.
The original production has enabled the company to take its rightful place in the watch market and to open many of its offices.
In 1996 New York Gallery of design and innovation awards Palama Prize for the best design and creation of a creative site with the use of computer graphics has brought the founder of the Nice International Award - Best Performance by - by Media Magazine and Apple Inc.
In 1998, Andrea Palama presented a new collection of innovative models of watches with prominent features of classical and sharply contrasting black and white. However, it was expected that the minimalist design will not bring much success due to high customer demand. However, the trend was launched simultaneously with the first collection of Calvin Klein, who used their models to the same design and same colors. Contrary to expectations, a collection of stunning success and earned its rightful place in the market sector.
In 2000 Palamas takes to create a unique collection with a variety of shapes and rich color palette. Thanks to a new industrial partner, which allows to expand the horizons of Nice on the world market, production is widespread in Asian countries.
The new collection has gained a huge success at the international fair and provided an opportunity to make Andrea Palama wrist watches for many of the leading watch brands such as Puma, Jannifer Lopez, Naj Olerai and Speedo, translating creative ideas into reality.
And finally, with the creation of a second brand called Cool Andrea Palama began using color and plastic materials in the design of watches and jewelry.
To date, Andrea Palama working under their own brands Nice, Cool, and Andrea Palama, and also carries designer brands of other international orders.